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Get 5% extra discount on Prepaid orders.
How many of us have woken up on a mid-week morning, realized that it was just Wednesday and there was the other half of the week for the weekend, willed ourselves to go back to sleep and magically wake up on the weekend? We know we have. Mid-week blues are a commonly known phenomenon, giving Wednesday a bad rap for being “Hump Day”. It is so called because it’s hard to get over the hump and it is in the middle of the week. We see our motivation to work, go to school or college dwindling, eagerly waiting to relax on the weekend. We all wish for the weekend to roll in and give us the time to indulge in some much needed relaxation activities like going to the mall and shopping, the spa, the bar, etc. We thought it would be a good idea to pamper you to get over your mundane week routine. We’re introducing Happy Wednesday! It’s our way of giving you a break during your week with a special discount on the first Wednesday of every month. We all need retail therapy, and the best way to indulge in this would be to do it online! Whenever you’re taking a break from your life because the pressure has gotten to you and you’re on the verge of breaking down- bring out your laptop, take a deep breath and start shopping on metroshoes.net! And the only thing that makes this better is the additional discount we’re offering and is up for grabs only on Wednesdays. So gear up and get ready for the week because it will have some mid-week happiness!